Revive Your Marriage!
What do you lack in your marriage?
What do you want out of your marriage?
Do you sow that into it?
Do you pray or complain?
Are you making sure your privates, pits, and breathe smell well??
Are you taking care of your body or did you just give up?
How long has it been since you shaved?
What do you wear to bed?
Do you check in on your spouse during the day? Do you just text... I'm thinking of you, or I love you?? (Without motive for anything )
It's not about appearance... our body, ways, wants, and needs do change as the years come and go but love endures and last forever!
That energy you would put in to get that spouse on day one should still be your regime! It's a message you want them and it's an invite to still have attention from them.
Don't let your spouse be your banker, handyman, cook, friend only, house keeper, or chore list or complaint keeper .. do not put your children before them ever!
Share your day with your spouse minus the complaints about your body, kids, money, job, or people.
Ask how was their day and speak of yours. Then listen! If you don't know what to talk about then talk about yall good Ole days before marriage!
Make it a point to do somthing you used to do and stop putting it off. Maybe it's driving, movies, fishing, dancing, skating, whatever just do it!
Date your spouse, have a movie night, go sit outside with a blanket and look at the stars or have sex right there on the lawn (if you don't have close neighbors of course) take the back road again, dance in the street on a dark empty road, wait at the door when they drive up!
Your marriage should outlast everything, it's a gift from God. Treasure it as an investment of love and fall in love over and over again
Speaker & Author Jill Deville
Jill Deville World Ministry
James & Jill Deville
Est 1992 and still in love
It's not magic, miracle, or a fairy tale
It's about true love!
When you seek it you will find it!
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